Much was
not spoken about these bad habits until 4th of April on a Tuesday in
2000, the time painfully penned articles were posted on the Daily Nation blog.
According to the articles, the first writer is unnamed, the other one is a Jeff
Kens from Eldoret and for some reason they chose to give the short articles the
title, ‘Church of God has Lost Direction’. The Articles can be
found at; https://www.nation.co.ke/oped/1192-371250-mdrt85/index.html
for ease of reference. To make it easier for us, I have quoted the articles
below word for word without any alteration.
recent skirmishes at Buru Buru Church of God have sent trepidation over the
entire Church of God fraternity. Some say this came in the nick of time while
others argued that it should have come earlier. Whoever is right, the fact is
that it is a step towards change.
For a
long time, the church leadership has been under one man, the secretary-general
who is at the same time the treasurer. He has for a long time been perceived as
infallible and omnipotent. This has heavily contributed to the turmoil.
essence, the Church of God has lost its mission, which is probably why God has
not blessed it the way He has other churches.
For a
long time, things have been a mess. Those few who tried to ensure transparency
have found their efforts frustrated and moved to other churches. Youths have
particularly been victims of this act. As a result, this church has remained
the property of those who can easily be manipulated. A close look at the yearly
diaries of these churches is a case in point.
One is
puzzled whether the objective of the church leaders is merely to raise money or
to preach the gospel. Perhaps that's why those who seek the Word never stick
here long. Right from week one to week 52, the sermons are about inciting the
members to contribute towards something – the budget, market Sunday. Kenya
church service, Easter, tithe, Christmas monthly, the homeless– you name it.
all these finances flowing to headquarters, it would have been expected the
church would flourish in different aspects, but this has not been the case.
Instead many things continue falling apart. The poor pastors in these churches
are paid as low as Sh800 a month. It would be paradox if they live righteous
lives and dedicated to serve the Lord with these peanuts. To counter this, they
have set in motion a system whereby they must be remunerated on all occasions
they preside over funerals.
In a
nutshell, this church has remained static in a number of areas. The members too
have become spiritually lethargic. They have stuck so much on religion instead
of salvation.
It is
high time the Church of God was overhauled.
I would
like to register my disappointment at the way the Church of God leader, the Rev
Byrum Makokha and his cronies handle the church. Take the Buruburu saga. I t
exposes a lot that the church has been hiding in the past few years under
Makokha's tyrannical leadership.
are several cases where problems have arisen due to interference with the
smooth running of the church-affiliated institutions like Mwihila Hospital,
Mwihila Press, Mariakani Christian Centre, and Kima Theological College.
wields so much power that not even a member of the General Assembly dares
challenge him lest he get the sack. Were it not for Makokha's subbornness, the
Church of God would have by now been the biggest churches in the region.
Most of
the pastors are old retired civil servants who earn a living this way and so
owe their loyalty to Makokha. The youthful pastors and graduates of Kima
Theological College are denied a chance to climb up the ladder and further
their theological knowledge since they pose a threat to the church leadership.
As a result, most of them run away to different churches. If it is true that
the church's constitution requires its leaders to retire at 65, then Makokha
should do so and let others take over.
These were words of two troubled citizens who saw that indeed something
was wrong not only with the Church but also with the leader, the self proclaimed
Archbishop, Dr.Byrum Makokha. Such sentiments, and many others unrecorded,
represent the general feeling within the congregation of the Church. Sadly,
this misbehavior is not a reserve of Church of God only. Scandals have marred
the growth of the Church both spiritually and financially. The scarce Church resources are wasted in endless court battles with different parties. Battles the leadership attracts upon itself due to blatant ignorance, greed and corruption.
It is sad how much effort is put into the wrong things, while the most
important agenda of the Church is less prioritized, at least in practise. When
one of the congregations awoke in Buruburu in the late 90s and early 2000s he
tried to cling on to the Church to the level of being locked up in a remand
facility for engaging in violence against the congregants. Both the National Council of Churches in Kenya (NCCK) and the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK) have remained silent all through and this leaves one to wonder what their role really is, if it's not helping to bring decorum in the activities of their members.
Allegedly, he, with the help of the infamous Church Properties Company General
Manager, Rev.Livingstone Ambetsa, also engineered the Kisii land fraud that saw
the Church lose a huge chunk of land to a famous bus company headquartered in
Kisii town right on the very land that was fraudulently acquired. In exchange,
the Church was built for a structure whose cost is a mere fraction of the real
cost of the land given to the bus company. For a job well done, the good
reverends awarded themselves with corrupt money and built a small office block
at the Church’s headquarters in Kima. This is clearly not what Christ meant
when He said, ‘go to every corner of the world…’.
The case about the land at Mariakani Christian Center (MCC) on
L.R.209/6823 has just but helped to reveal more about the men of God in cloaks. Secretly
they wanted to sell the piece of land to a Chinese Developer to demolish the
Church and build commercial and residential structures, but the plot was known
in good time for the members to mobilize themselves and resist. First through a
dialogue which failed miserably because of course because the Byrum and his
team could not just sit down to discuss the matter with the curious
congregants. Previously, through a non-registered fake company, Byrum successfully
engineered the same corruption on another church property on L.R.1/308 whose
proceeds he awarded himself and his close friends.

Coming from the men of the cloak, the affidavits were heartbreaking.
They are no different from a father denying his own child for absolutely no
reason at all. Among the reasons they wanted Justice Obaga to throw out the
lawsuit against them was that three of the complainants, who are members of MCC
for a combined duration of more than 80 years, had no legal ground to sue the
Church leaders on behalf of the congregation and on their own behalf. The other
reason they swore on was that one of the complainants was not even a member of
MCC! With a benefit of doubt, one can be lenient enough to forgive them for the
first reason keeping in mind that they, nor their legal team, understands not
what the constitution says about perpetual succession rights.
The fact that an Archbishop can lead a team of reverends and pastors to
deny one of the members of the very Church they lead because the member does
not agree with their plan to corruptly sell land on which a church sits is uncouth.
Furthermore, this land was to be sold without the participation and express
permission of the congregation nor were the proceeds going to do anything
related to ministry. 411 from a reliable source indicates that these proceeds
were to be shared among the few men of cloak at the helm of the Church led by
the Archbishop and that even the first instalment from the buyer had been given
by the time the case was filed in the High Court no wonder they tried so hard
to have the case thrown out.
18th of September 2019, the day that was to be the first
hearing, turned to be a mention and both parties received directions from the
Court. Both parties were to make their submissions upon which the Court would make
a ruling on all preliminary applications on 30th of January 2020. Surprisingly,
Justice Obaga made a ruling dismissing the case as being weak. When a judge
dismisses a case at a preliminary stage but then go ahead and include matters
of what would have been a full hearing in his ruling then your guess is as good
as mine. Sadly, this ruling does not only disadvantage the Church congregation,
but also the whole community that benefits from the center at the expense of a
few greedy leaders. Absurd! The local congregation has vowed to appeal this
unjust ruling and make sure the sanity of their place of worship is maintained.
Following the ruling, the congregation planned and undertook a legal demonstration on 9th February 2020 in objection of their
leaders’ intent to sell their place of worship for individual gains. It is sad,
very sad that Rev. Omamo, the Area Overseer and a direct representative of the
Archbishop allegedly called armed policemen on the peaceful demonstrators who
included children! If at all it was for the security of the demonstrators, then
we thank God. It is also alleged that the members leading this fight against
corruption have been threatened by the Archbishop, his cronies, powerful
politicians and proxies. When an Archbishop chest-thumbs that a church shall be
demolished whether the members like it or not then you know something is very
As the fight to protect church property from corruption continues, the
leaders at the Church’s headquarters shamelessly feed off the struggling church
members, while the Pastors who are not lucky enough to be near the high table
are forced to survive on meagre payments but have to make sure their
congregations send money to the headquarters for the Archbishop and his
cohorts. An uncle to the former Speaker of the National Assembly under the
coalition government, Byrum has failed to lead the Church to the place its
visionary founders dreamt of. Anyone who raises concerns about his actions, or
the system is expelled from the Church whether Pastors or members. There are
also numerous allegations about the Human Resource Personnel, Rev.Anjela, who
is rumored to be soliciting bribes from Pastors so that he can post them to
somewhat financially stable branches of the Church!

Quite sad indeed, may God forgive them all for they have fallen short of His glory
ReplyDeleteShame on them. OurGoog Lord will punish. He's Watching
ReplyDeleteSoo heartbreaking. Why should the church a supposed place of refugee and comfort be the source of misery and frustrations? Good job Inzo,continue highlighing the evil vices!
ReplyDeleteChurch Good job Inzo...keep up the pressure...call the Kenya Church back to oneness, back to holiness and unity, back to the missison of reaching out for the lost. You need a good seminary. You need good organizational infrastructure. These must be democratically controlled by the BODY OF CHRIST, under the Holy Spirit and not under an African autocrat who has lost his direction, or so it seems.
DeleteSomething has to done seriously. Leadership should be handed over to a better people.
ReplyDeleteThe Kenya GA is a duly credentialled organization, no longer a colonial child but a fraternal brother in the Chog Family via Anderson, IN USA. GA members must recognize the church of God that is of, by, and for the people, and not for the vested interests of ruling clergy--that is Roman Catholocism.
DeleteFirstly, I applaud Inzoberi for having the courage to flag up these issues we know about but seem too cowed down to talk about. There is blatant misappropriation and misdirection of the scarce church resources to the extent that it is slowly but surely killing the Church of God.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, this rot starts at the individual church level and climbs upwards to the area and the General Assembly. We, the church members, should take it upon ourselves to question each and every case of misappropriation; litigate each and every case of theft of church property; and most importantly, stand up against autocratic behaviour by church functionaries. I am sure there are several of us who are ready to stand and be counted, and shall never consider running away to form splinter groups.
When is the General Assembly going to assume the leadership role it was given when the American church freed Kima, Kenya from western colonialism? Dr Makoka was not given the church as a family inheritance or a personal business; he was only the appointed Steward. When he assumes more than that role he goes contrary to the years the American church invested in Kima and Kenya from Wilson up to and through the MauMau uprisings. As an American pastor who thought we had achieved something worthwhile by making Kenya independent, I am shamed by the power struggle going on now in the name of financial interests. Let the GA return to the mission of the church and guide a democratic assembly to self-support, self-government, and self-propagation. That is your biblical mandate from God himself.
ReplyDeleteThe church is not private property. Furthermore the General Assembly does not help churches to acquire land and build churches yet greedily compels the congregants to submit contributions. We must unite and rid the church of the greed and menace propagated by one Byrum Makokha
ReplyDeleteDemand that Dr. Makoka once again become accountable to the body of the church as represented by its General Assembly. He is but a steward, a servant of the church and not its autocratic dictator. That means, however, an educated laity and clergy that take care of isssues responsibly with each congregation controlling its own afairs. That is how it has been done in the Church of God forever. We are Congregational in our polity (how we relate). Anderson only works for the church at large, even as Kima only works for the churches of Kenya or East Africa.
DeleteNo comment
ReplyDeleteIt's really sad but what awaits this man of confusion!, 😂 nature will tell
ReplyDeleteAm also shocked that my neighbourhood Mwihila mission hospital rendered useless as a result of this poor leadership!
ReplyDeleteSo sad that the men of the cloak that are supposed to preach and educate the society against corruption are the ones who are embracing it something has to be done and very fast.
ReplyDeleteGod is doing something this guy should know that he is not fighting mcc but fighting God. Without fear we will stand for the church because God is with us and u will fail.
ReplyDeleteThis is a Season of God's Wonderful Grace.
ReplyDelete2020 - The Season of Vision.
There soon will dawn a brighter day, keep praying and toiling on.
Wayne M. Warner, what an honor and pleasure to see you embracing Missions, as you strive openly to Embrace the movement of the Church of God, yes Jesus Is The Subject. This is great joy !
Over 13 years I've been able to speak to many people about conflict resolution, reconciliation, cultural sensitivity as we look to Define the needs of the people physically, mentally, socially, and most importantly spiritually. Psalms 118:8 says, take refuge in God and and trust no human, as we allow the spirit of God in our human bodies to bind us together with cords that cannot be broken.
I am honored to give the testimony that last year 2019 was the year of the Church of God in Kenya looking to come together as one body, one spirit, and one baptism.
Yes, as we continue to pray for God's healing that HE has provided for us, with HIS Feeding, through HIS Knowledge, and Understanding, we can Praise HIM for HIS Wisdom.
It gives me joy to speak of the Church of God in Kenya, where I was ordained as a minister on January 1, 2006 and witness the groundbreaking of the Busia Church of God Centre.
Now is the season for asking, seeking, knocking, and looking to grow as one.
I am happy to be laboring since 2006 with the many Brothers and Sisters as they stand seeking God's Will, as they acknowledge, Jesus is the Subject.
We press on embracing unity. As we continue to grow, we are learning not to let out mind, body, thoughts, desires, cause by the human race's sins make a decision for our leaders.
We want our souls to be led by the Holy Spirit so we can seek God's Will in all things. Everyday we are seeking a closer walk with our Heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty.
Let's keep praying and toiling on. Kenya's seed were planted from the outside in some generations ago, and now it's ready for this new season to grow from the inside out to not just be nourished on the feeding of the missionaries over the generations, but to be able to embrace the obligation or works of missions God has commissioned and continue to equip the Church of God to Go, not just on the continent of Africa, but all continents here on earth.
I continue to humbly thank God to be Hands-On with the project.
All is well, as the Children of God seek and strife for a unified Church of God in Kenya and on earth as it is in Heaven.
To God Be The Glory.
Very sad and a foolish leader will remain FOOLISH coz he will burn the store after eating.
ReplyDeleteFather,forgive them because they do not know what they are doing.Not every one who calls the name of the Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but at the same time the Bible tells us not to point fingers at the anointed ones of God.God save Mariakani Christian Centre.Whom shall we trust?God have mercy on us.
ReplyDeleteMy brother Inzoberi, great piece. We can only leave CoG better than we found it. Youths should stand against the ongoing impunity. Alot of cash contributions to Kima, no progress. Then land grabbing....no no no.If God is for us....
ReplyDeleteGood example of the need for good governance and financial regulation in churches.
ReplyDeleteI have been suffering and crying alone all this years to the so called yearly contributions to kima but all remain in vail.bravo mr inzo beri.strongly behind u to stop and weep the crooks within the institution.