Thursday, 8 November 2018

Corruption in Church, System ya Majambazi 2

Sometimes back I wrote here about a pending disaster and theft of land meant for Churches and community activities.  One of them being Mariakani Christian Center that almost lost it's land to crooked and greedy leaders collaborating with land-greedy arap-mashambas. The plot in question is LR 209/6723 IR 21781 on Mchumbi Road in South B.

This was a plan happening under the noses of the trustees of the Church with their express permission to demolish the church to pave way for a shopping complex and apartments! This was to happen without the participation of the members of the local congregation leave alone their permission.

As shown in the attached court order, the trustees are the Archbishop Rev. Byrum Makokha, the Deputy Archbishop Rev. James Obunde, Rev. Wycliffe Omusebe, Rev. Raphael Muyela, Rev. Monicah Ooanga, Rev. Benson Maosa and William Shimanyula. William Shimanyula is also the Chairman of the Board of the dubious Church Company that, apparently, is in charge of the church's properties.

This company; Church of God in East Africa (K) Properties, is allegedly not registered with the registrar of companies as stipulated in the church's constitution. This is the company that is driving the malicious agenda of ripping Church of God off their land. It's general manager is one Rev. Livingstone Ambetsa Nambande who reports to the Board led by Chairman  Shimanyula whose also a trustee as mentioned above. 
So after futile attempts to dialogue with the Church leadership; majorly the trustees of the Church domiciled at the headquarters of the Church in KIMA, the members of the local congregation chose to take the matter to court and a notice of motion given on 20/09/2018. The 1st hearing was on 31/10/2018 at the High Court in the Milimani Environment and Land Court presided over by Hon. Justice Obaga.

The case took about 15 minutes and the Court granted an injunction order protecting the land for the duration of the case! This was a huge milestone to the local congregation members knowing that no one will tamper with their place of worship, at least, for the duration of the case pending determination.

During the hearing, the defense council on behalf of the clients, requested the Judge to provide for an out of Court dialogue which was granted by the Court with an order that they report back to the Court regarding the same on 21/11/2018. Together with the defendants, the Church members and their council congregated outside the Court, settled on 10/11/2018 and the venue as the very Church they want to demolish!

Three days to the day of dialogue, they proposed a change of dates! Before the hearing on 31/10/2018, led by the Archbishop, they had also initiated dialogue and the local congregation members had all agreed to meet on 29/10/2018 at about 4pm only for the trustees to look down upon the members and ignore the meeting without any prior communication. The trend was repeating itself.

It saddens my heart knowing that the defense in this case is made up of men of the cloak who the society looks up to for guidance, people who purport to be Men of God (well...they could be) yet they conspire to sell the land of the very Church they lead.

For the record, the local congregation is not rebelling against Church leadership, they are not fighting the Church, they are only doing what they humanly can to protect the property of the Church from it's own greedy leaders working with outside agents. I believe it's what anyone in their right mind would do.

I know several PCEA and ACK churches have had this challenge of the trustees conspiring to sell public Church properties. My advice to you, don't fear them, don't fear the much acclaimed curses from men of God. By fighting for that land regardless of who you'll be fighting, you'll not have done any mistake. Just make sure you try your best to dialogue, record everything, be of good character all through the process. If dialogue fails, nicely put your case together and take it to the Court.

Also understand that whoever you'll be fighting may not entirely use clean defense mechanism. They will play dirty just like I've seen in this case. Don't be frightened but be smart and take precautions with everything you do.

This does not entirely mean all the men of God out there are crooked, there are many who are sold out to the ministry, if God has sent you such, listen to them, respect them and you'll go far.

Until another time, keep on resisting crooked thieves purporting to be men of God.


Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Corruption in Church; System ya Majambazi!

Image result for mariakani christian center
Corruption involving grabbing of public and private lands has become so rampant that people if fear for being evicted from their own lands by powerful people in the corridors of power. A majority thanks God for finishing another year in their own property! Churches and schools alike, face the same danger. 

Mariakani Christian Center (MCC) Church, South B, has been and is still under the danger of being unlawfully acquired by a 'land-hungry' developer with the help of the Church's General Assembly select members of the Clergy through a nonexistent company under the advice of a bogus lawyer.

It goes on record that these Church leaders as well as their counterparts have previously, allegedly, changed the user of plot L.R. 1/308 on Dennis Pritt, illegally given it to a developer and fraudulently benefitted from the proceeds thereof. This is land that had previously been set aside for the Pastors' houses.

What happened in this case is that a few people appreciated themselves with a few million shillings for having engaged in outright corruption. It is sad that even as the land was being 'developed' the Church was allegedly lied to by their leaders that the proceeds would be used to raise the Pastors' standards of life by giving them better pays.

As I write this a very high percentage of Church of God in E.A (K)'s Pastors' economic conditions' are despicable. Many of the physical places of worship are in very deplorable conditions thanks to a select regime that rips off the Church left right and center.

Marikani's land presently in question is L.R209/6823-I.R.21781. Both of these pieces of land were given to the Church by the government in early 1960s with special conditions and the lands were to be held in trust by the Church Trustees for the benefit of the local congregation.

A 1.7 acres piece of land in South B valued at more than 800 million is, according to them, supposed to be given away to be developed into a commercial center with apartments, shopping mall, and underground parking lots. The only thing the whole Church allegedly gets is 6 two-bedroom apartments, 8 one-bedroom apartments and 40 parking slots! This is unacceptable.

To make the matters worse the apartments have been valued at 7.5M and 4.5M respectively. This is in 2021 (3 years time)!, in South B!. This gives a total of 81M! Technically, we're fraudulently giving away a birthright of more than 800M for a mere 81M.

This is not the Church Christ Jesus would want to come back to take as a bride. The members of the Church have sworn not  to relent both spiritually and physically. They believe the war is theirs to lose. Shame on our members of the clergy who are perpetrating corruption even in Church!

A Church is a vital part of any community and we won't sit and watch as it's leaders misuse what God has put in their custody. I personally will not shut up while evil dominates. I will not get tired. The fight is on!